How to Beat an Article 15 Offense

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) provides military commanders with a tool for maintaining discipline, and gives them the authority to impose non-judicial punishment (NJP) under Article 15 for minor offenses. Article 15 hearings, as they are known in the Air Force and Army, are also known as Captain’s Mast in the Coast Guard and Navy, and Office Hours in the Marine Corps. All accused service members have the right to accept NJP or request a court-martial. An experienced military criminal defense attorney can be of assistance during this initial stage.

Court Martial Law explains the process involved in an Article 15 offense, including how charges are read and evidence presented by the commander, which is crucial for the accused to understand to form an effective defense.

Best Military Defense discusses the implications of being found guilty under an Article 15, noting that it could lead to mandatory discharge depending on the offense’s nature.

Aaron Meyer Law details the role of Article 15 in the UCMJ, which allows commanders to administer non-judicial punishment for violations, providing a method for service members to contest accusations.

JAG Defense describes the decision-making process in a Company Grade Article 15, highlighting that the accused can choose to have the commander determine their guilt, emphasizing the importance of this choice.

UCMJ experts discuss strategies to handle Article 15 hearings, explaining the distinction between minor infractions and serious offenses, and the choice between non-judicial punishment and court-martial.

Kral Military Defense provides an overview of Article 15 and Non-judicial Punishment (NJP), describing its use as a disciplinary tool for commanders and sharing strategies for defense.

Military Justice Attorneys offer detailed information on Nonjudicial Punishment under Article 15, framing it as a way for commanders to address minor offenses swiftly without formal judicial proceedings.

The Hanzel Law Firm emphasizes the importance of defending one’s reputation and career when facing Non-Judicial Punishment under Article 15, stressing the need for competent legal defense to navigate these challenges.

Philip D. Cave’s website outlines the broad scope of Article 15 punishments, clarifying that they can apply to any offense, regardless of the time and place of the alleged act, similar to court-martial proceedings.

GDPR Info details Article 15 of the GDPR, which grants individuals the right to access personal data held about them, including data relating to criminal convictions and offenses, emphasizing the importance of transparency in data processing.

MC Military Law explains Article 92 of the UCMJ, which pertains to the failure to obey a direct order, detailing the classifications of this offense and the consequences within military law.