Statistics show the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family after you’ve been injured in a car accident is hire a good personal injury lawyer.  Someone who will see to it that you are fully compensated for your pain and suffering. They will often rush to the accident scene (whether it’s in Downtown Milwaukee or not!), take photographs of vehicle damage, road conditions, and even road signage. They can also get witness or bystander accounts of what transpired. When you have car accident lawyers on your team, you shouldn’t worry about this. This means if you and the other driver share liability for the accident, your claim could be cut down by the extent of your liability. Maybe you’ve spent $60,000 treating your injuries, so you think getting $100,000 in compensation isn’t too bad. Insurance companies, by default or practice, love to play hardball with compensation claimants. Their only interest is to pay out as little as possible. In fact, for many crash victims, dealing with day-to-day hardships like coping with injuries and getting medical care or transportation to work are often higher priorities than seeking damages. Next, call our firm at 414-289-0909. An auto accident resulting in injury or death can involve many insurance companies. For instance, insurance companies often state that a car accident victim’s pain could not have been “that bad” because he or she did not seek medical help right away. Or they’ll argue that the medical condition is not related to the accident because immediate medical attention was not sought. Statements given to insurance companies soon after an accident, whether to your own company or to the wrongdoer’s, can only work against you in the claims process. In addition, you do not have any such obligation to the other person’s insurance company. In addition, many health insurers will claim a right of reimbursement for medical bills paid on behalf of an injured person. It is best to work with a lawyer experienced in dealing with the paperwork and negotiations with insurance companies. We also work on a contingency basis. They try to tempt you into taking a little bit of money even though no one knows the extent of your injuries and other losses related to the car accident. In our opinion, victims should not accept these early, “low-ball” offers without discussing them with a lawyer. We know it can “hurt” to write a premium check to an insurance company because you don’t think you’ll ever need that much coverage. However, the “hurt” you will feel when your or a loved one’s recovery is greatly limited because you chose to buy a small amount of coverage is far worse. Don’t let this happen to you and your loved ones. If so, you need to contact that insurance carrier and give them access to your vehicle so they can send an appraiser to inspect the damage. As such, they may fail to return your phone calls, delay the process, or become uncooperative. While your insurance company will reduce any property damage payoff by your deductible, they will subsequently seek reimbursement from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier through a process called inter-insurance arbitration. (A vehicle is usually considered a total loss if the repair cost plus salvage value exceeds the fair market value of the vehicle or if the damages exceed a specific threshold of the vehicle’s value, e. g. While you can choose the auto body shop, do not begin any repairs until the insurance company has inspected the vehicle. Usually the initial offer is not a “take it or leave it” offer. You do not want to sign a document that releases your personal injury claim when it is your intention to resolve only the property damage claim. We are not just faceless names for our law firm—we are the actual attorneys who will personally be handling your case. Ric Domnitz represented Lisa, a young female passenger injured when a van crossed the centerline and struck her vehicle. Lisa’s injuries left her right arm totally dysfunctional. The firm represented Catherine and Robert, two elderly residents whose vehicle was struck by another vehicle that ran through a stop light. Each received serious orthopedic injuries and, sadly, both died during the pendency of their lawsuit. We have the resources to provide quality representation for your car accident claim. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

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