Statistics show the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family after you’ve been injured in a car accident is hire a good personal injury lawyer. Someone who will see to it that you are fully compensated for your pain and suffering. They will often rush to the accident scene (whether it’s in Downtown Milwaukee or not!), take photographs of vehicle damage, road conditions, and even road signage. They can also get witness or bystander accounts of what transpired. When you have car accident lawyers on your team, you shouldn’t worry about this. This means if you and the other driver share liability for the accident, your claim could be cut down by the extent of your liability. Maybe you’ve spent $60,000 treating your injuries, so you think getting $100,000 in compensation isn’t too bad. Insurance companies, by default or practice, love to play hardball with compensation claimants. Their only interest is to pay out as little as possible. In fact, for many crash victims, dealing with day-to-day hardships like coping with injuries and getting medical care …