However, these words are not uncommon for California drivers. A significant percentage of all accidents in California involve hit and run accidents, while many others involve uninsured or underinsured drivers. In this hit and run accident, four people were seriously injured while damaging two vehicles beyond repair. Los Angeles County had a staggering 5,979 reported hit and run accidents in that same year. Additionally, a claim could be brought against any other person or entity for whom some liability may apply. For example, if the driver was in the course and scope of his or her employment, the employer may be held responsible for the accident of the employee. Making a claim against the insurance carrier for these individuals requires proof that the hit and run driver was negligent in causing the accident, that the accident caused harm or injury and the nature and extent of the injuries suffered. Here is a fact, drivers who have substantial assets, generally have substantial insurance coverage. Most drivers who are uninsured, or underinsured, are that way because they do not have income to pay for the insurance and/or assets to protect from a judgment. In these situations, most personal injury lawyers would indicate that the chances of recovering anything from the at fault driver is nearly impossible. This insurance assists in paying for the basic medical care in treating the injuries suffered in the car accident. Unfortunately, this insurance may not be enough to cover all the health insurance deductibles or actual medical care required. The only insurance which can render aid and support for such an accident is uninsured motorist coverage, and/or an umbrella policy which provides uninsured motorist coverage. With the right amount of uninsured motorist insurance coverage, an injured person can draw upon that source of funds to pay for the damages and losses. When a car accident triggers the uninsured motorist coverage, that insurance coverage sits in nearly the same position as an insurance company for the other party. However, there is one difference, the insurance company for the injured party has a higher degree of responsibility to its insured to do provide the coverage and protection purchased by the insured. Even though these uninsured motorist funds are potentially available, the injury victim still has to prove the uninsured motorist was responsible for the accident, that the accident caused the injury and nature and extent of the losses, including the amount which should be paid for the injuries and losses. The excuses range from, “I didn’t know”, “I thought I was fully covered,” “I couldn’t afford it,” to “I didn’t know the importance of it. ” Going without uninsured motorist coverage is a real mistake. This is the one insurance everyone should purchase. This is the one insurance coverage which, if purchased, protects the insured, his/her family and friends and all others who travel in that car. Here is a good rule of thumb. Buy as much uninsured motorist insurance coverage as the budget can afford. The higher the limits the lower the cost for every $1,000 of coverage. For example, a $15,000 policy might cost $500. 00. But a $50,000 policy will cost $700. 00. So one gets $35,000 more coverage for only $200 more. Delays cause the loss of rights and the ability to fully recover from the accident. Each passing day makes it harder to get all the relevant information and establish the proper rights and responsibilities. If you have delayed, cotact our Victorville car accident lawyer now to see if there remains hope to secure compensation for the losses from a hit and run driver or an uninsured motorist.

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