In 2020, Framingham’s population was 72,362 making it a very dense area with a high potential for catastrophic car accidents and other serious motor vehicle crashes. To that point, Framingham is divided in half by I-90 which runs right through the center of the city. It is common to see commuter vehicles, family sedans and minivans, sports cars and other personal vehicles on the highways, main roads, and side streets throughout, transporting the town’s growing population to its various destinations. As mentioned, serious accidents can occur very easily in Framingham and its surrounding areas with this amount of traffic and congestion. This type of car crash typically occurs in an intersection with stop signs or traffic lights when one driver fails to obey the traffic laws and drives right through the intersection and strikes another vehicle. The crash tends to form the letter “T” with the vehicles.  This is because an accident victim cannot recover financial compensation unless the other driver is found to have caused the accident. A driver may be held liable for causing another person’s injuries in a car accident, if the driver is found to have been negligent. Negligence means the failure to do something a reasonable person would have done, or doing something a prudent person would not have done. When driving, a person has the responsibility, or duty, to exercise reasonable care while on the road. He takes his eyes off the road and looks down at his phone. While looking at his phone he does not see the light just turned red and he drives right through the red light and T-bones a woman driving through the intersection. The woman is injured in the T-bone accident. This is because, often times, the other driver will deny that he or she was distracted and claim that you were carless. This is why we recommend following a few crucial steps after being injured in a car accident. For instance, calling 911 or the police, taking pictures of the accident and scene, and getting the names and contact information of witnesses can be very helpful in establishing the other driver’s negligence. A responding police officer will usually prepare a police report or a motor vehicle crash report and determine who was responsible for the accident based upon his training and examination of the accident scene. Also, pictures of the car crash will not only help establish how the accident happened, but can also show any traffic or road signs that may be relevant. She is transported to the Emergency Room by an ambulance and is later discharged. She then has numerous follow up visits with doctors, who diagnose her with post-concussion syndrome and spondylolisthesis. She later undergoes a course of physical therapy and cognitive therapy for her injuries. Her medical bills for the ambulance ride, hospital visit, doctors’ appointments and physical and cognitive therapy total $15,000. She also incurred $5,000 in lost wages because she was out of work for a while. Her medical bills and lost wages are the damages she incurred. This is why determining liability is very important. If the other driver is not found to have been negligent, then the accident victim may not be able to recover damages. Insurance companies will try to find a way to argue that the injury victim caused or contributed to the accident. This way the insurance company can either deny the claim entirely or reduce any amount it may have to pay by the percentage of fault they attribute to the victim for contributing to the accident.

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