If you are injured as a result of a crash, your life may be turned upside down. You could incur hefty medical bills for treatment and may be out of work for some time, losing income during your recovery. On top of potential financial difficulties, the pain and suffering may be unbearable. We will aggressively fight for your rights to compensation, whether at the negotiations table with the responsible driver’s insurance company or in a courtroom. This legal standard requires you to show that your own evidence is more credible and convincing than the information presented by the other party. Our auto collision lawyers at the Dolan Law Firm gather physical evidence necessary to establish each element, but we also have access to experts and other resources to bolster these efforts. They only occur because of a driver’s failure to adhere to the standard of reasonable care. Even if you are generally aware that you are entitled to recover for your losses, you may not realize how extensive they are. Current damages are straightforward, but the implications of your auto …