You have to deal with ICBC, take time off from work, deal with added financial burdens – and potentially do all of these things while you are injured and trying to recover your health. This can be too much to handle, yet these are the responsibilities you must undertake to get the compensation you need if you’ve been hurt. Fortunately, qualified, experienced legal help is available to you. The traffic collision lawyers in Vancouver have decades of combined experience handling car accident claims in Vancouver, BC on behalf of our clients. Let us help you get access to the best medical treatment after your accident as our car accident lawyer handle all of the legal aspects of your case. We have dedicated our legal practice to supporting accident victims even victims of hit and run accidents so that you can effectively pursue the compensation you need for your recovery and into the future. Please contact a Vancouver Car Accident Lawyer today for your free consultation. When Do You Need a car accident Lawyer After a Traffic collision? Immediately following a …