Brainspotting Trauma Therapy Intensives are an accelerated version of
therapy that will help you get to the root of your issues and see progress
more quickly. We will identify the specific areas you want to focus on, so
you can start feeling relief now. Intensives are customized to meet your
needs and range from 3 hours to 3 days. Schedule a consultation to see if
an intensive is a good fit.


Issues we address in trauma therapy can include childhood/attachment
trauma, post-partum experiences, recovery from domestic violence, sexual
abuse, developmental trauma, medical trauma, childhood physical and
emotional abuse, & more. Our approach to trauma combines mind-body
approaches that help release traumatic memories though a somatic rewiring
that restores a healthy balanced nervous system.


Genevieve Camp offers online Trauma Therapy for those in Florida and North
Carolina. She integrates tools such as IFS, EMDR, art therapy and Yoga
Nidra to help women heal from trauma so that they can help heal the world.


Trauma therapy and PTSD treatment provided by CBT-PB is evidence-based,
time-limited and trauma-focused. No matter how complex your history and
experiences might be, these scientifically-proven therapies can help
clients recover from trauma and PTSD for good.