Trauma, whether it is from recent events or past experiences, has a notable impact on the ability of a mother to parent effectively while nurturing the growth of her child. In such incidents, trauma therapy is the key tool that offers the mothers the necessary support and strategies required for overcoming their past while embracing the entire parenthood with strength and confidence.


Psychological trauma can take a terrible toll on our physical and mental health, even allow for serious diseases. Sign up today to learn successful PTSD & trauma therapy through our EFT tapping courses.


Having recovered from complex health and trauma herself, Natalia now holds
an empathic position as a Trauma therapist. Get in touch for trauma therapy


Andrew Davis, LMFT is a licensed therapist providing online and virtual
counseling sessions for individuals, including trauma therapy, PTSD
therapy, and trauma abuse therapy in the entire state of California. Click
here today to book an appointment.