Addiction Allies is a comprehensive Addiction Medicine and Substance Abuse
Treatment center located in Virginia. We have a location in Lynchburg and a
location in Charlottesville. We provide individual, group, and family
counseling as well as treatment for adults with substance use disorder,
including those with co-occurring mental health diagnoses.


Behavioral health therapy in Glen Mills, PA offering Telehealth appointments. Paperwork can be filled out online. Online payments are accepted. Schedule an appointment today. Contact us at (610) 358-2250.


Offering outpatient mental health & recovery therapy, services include Neuro Therapy, IV Therapy, and TeleHealth in Deerfield Beach, FL. Call (877) 578-9420


Psychiatrists at Advanced TMS Center in Ladera Ranch, CA offer TMS therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety treatment, ADHD testing and child, adolescent and adult psychiatry services.


Comprehensive Testing & Therapy at Spectrus Psychological Services: Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Learning Disorders, Communication Disorders, Neurocognitive Screening, Caregiver Education & Support


We focus on combining the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual components to treat the whole person & how to best manage their own mental health.


Jersey Shore Adult Medical Daycare Center Provides diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services under medical and nursing supervision to meet the needs of functionally impaired adult clients.


You’re here for high-quality, evidence-based therapy for anxiety,
depression, or couples/marriage work. We serve adults and teens in
Jefferson City & Columbia, Missouri, and we provide therapy for mental
health and relationship issues. We serve clients both in person and online.
We’re happy you’re here and ready to help.


Behavioral Health Therapist in Jasper, IN offering Telehealth appointments. ADHD, Marriage Counseling, Anxiety, Depression, EMDR, and Family Therapy. Paperwork online. Online payments are accepted. Contact us at (812) 848-2213.


psychiatric care with attention to wellness, integrated mental health care, medication management and mindfulness practices, located in Fort Collins, Colorado, offering in person and Telehealth appointments


Dr. Richard A Shulman, Psychologist in Mission Viejo, is known as an “Ambassador of Hope” for his patients. Specializing in Child & Adolescent therapy, Couples & Marriage Therapy, Family Therapy and Individual Therapy.


Camp White offers summer camps for youth & adults with developmental disabilities, and year-round rentals and activities for all ages in central Kansas.


At Southern California Sunrise Mental Health, we treat those with Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and other disorders at our residential center.


Mental Health Therapist in Corning, NY and throughout PA offering Telehealth appointments. Paperwork can be filled out online. Online payments are accepted. Contact me at (607) 438-3175.


Dr. Land is a licensed psychologist providing confidential individual counseling, couples counseling, and group therapy services in Fort Collins, CO, as well as clinical supervision and consultation to mental health professionals at all levels of experience.