Why Reiki can be considered a sacred mystery: Reiki cannot be seen, but it can be felt, it is intelligent energy, induces feelings of wellness and deep relaxation, Reiki attunement is a magical experience.



About The Experience Interconnected Reiki is a two day training course for students wishing to deepen their  Usui Reiki practice. Students learn how to send Reiki through space and time – known as distant or interconnected Reiki.  Available as a customized, individual course or as a group course. All Reiki training cou



Learn this easy, relaxing and natural healing technique Everyone can learn and use Reiki. Many people learn Reiki just to use on themselves, for stress relief and natural healing. It is a very relaxing technique that you can use anywhere, anytime to help reduce stress and negativity, while increasing positive energy. My Reiki classes also



How to connect with the archetypal energies of the Magician tarot card, what are the signs you are lacking its energy, and what are the benefits of incorporating the Magician’s archetypal energy and a short Reiki meditation that will help you connect with the Magician.



Each Reiki treatment is as unique as is the individual who comes to me for healing through Reiki. After each healing session, I feel honored & blessed to be able to bring the healing energy of Reiki to my clients.
