Usui Reiki Master / Teacher “REI” = UNIVERSAL / SOURCE / SPIRIT / GOD “KI” = ENERGY / LIFE FORCE REIKI = Spirit-Guided Life Force Energy Think acupuncture minus the needles.  A massage for the Soul.  Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by plac


Experience the power of reiki to reduce stress, increase circulation and flow in your body, move stagnant energy, and lift your spirits. Reiki is a Japanese healing arts technique in which energy is channeled into your body. You remain fully clothed during the session.


Reiki is probably the most well known Energy Healing method in the US. The reason for this is that Reiki is fairly easy to get an attunement for each of the first two levels with a week-end class. No previous experience with energy healing is necessary. Over 1 million people in the USA have received


The therapist applies Reiki by lightly placing their hands on specific areas of the body. Experience the relaxing and healing energy of Reiki. 610-584-5323


Reiki is an Energy Healing modality that creates deep relaxation at Radiant You. Reiki is used by hospitals to decrease stress, anxiety, depression, pain and help patients heal faster.