There are 4 traditional Reiki symbols and a continually growing number of non-traditional symbols. Discover for yourself the traditional and non-traditional symbols in Reiki.


Reiki is a hands-on healing therapy but does not involve any massage,
pressure or manipulation. During the session I will place and hold my hands
non-intrusively on your head and body in a number of positions allowing the
Reiki energy to flow to you. It is also possible to receive Reiki energy
healing with hands slightly off the body.


Our top Animal Reiki articles – what is it, how it works, ways to practice and perform healing sessions, useful tips & efficient methods.


The Reiki Association is a community of people initiated into Reiki, part of the UK and worldwide Reiki family. Discover our aims, our principles and make connections with members.


The Reiki Association, a Reiki UK and worldwide not for profit organisation for Reiki Masters, practitioners and students. TRA supports community and professional practice.


Our services we provide, are all related to energy healing with holistic practitioners helping the community. Our mission is to provide synthetic-free products that are ethically produced,
environmentally conscious, fairly traded in order to ignite inspiration, exploration, a state of grace, peace and sacredness.

We work with suppliers who are
environmentally conscious, using recycled and recyclable materials as well as
sustainable practices.


Classes, Training, Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho, Tai Chi, Taiji, Taijiquan,
Qigong, Chi Kung, Nei Kung, Nei Gong, Min Zin, Meditation, Kung Fu,
Shaolinbutterfly, Kali, FMA, Pai Lum, White Dragon Healing Arts, White
Lotus Martial Arts, Pai, Yoga, White Lotus, Wethersfield, CT, Hartford,
Spirit, Mind, Body, Balance, Harmony, Usui, Hartford, CT, USA, Connecticut,
Hartford County, New England, Northeast


Many of us enjoy Reiki and Reiki Shares along with all of the wonderful healing energy that goes along with that. I realized that I get lots of help from the Angelic Realm for these healings. There are no groups in the SFV teaching or offering this. So I am starting my own Meetup. If you are interes


At a mother’s touch REIKI, you can schedule personal Reiki sessions for a relaxing and meditative emotional release. Take a class to learn about Reiki and how to practice it yourself. Become a certified Reiki practitioner.


Ensofic Reiki with Marda Hull helps supports the physical body, reliefs mental anguish and helps with stress. Read now about Ensofic Reiki process and its benefits.


Reiki Traditional Japanese Reiki Treatment,Traditional authentic reiki, Jikiden Reiki Training & Treatment.Perth. Western Australia ,Australia . Jikiden Reiki Practitioner. reiki jikiden WA


Awakened Light Reiki is a traditional private in home studio Reiki practice in San Francisco that provides a safe space for physical, emotional and spiritual transformation for our clients.


A Reiki healing session treats the whole person, body, emotions, mind and spirit. It creates many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.


The practice of Reiki is rapidly becoming a respected healing method among traditional medical fields. Every month more hospitals are incorporating Reiki practitioners within various hospital departments. As the need for trained Reiki practitioners continues to grow, more & more people will need to be trained as Reiki practitioners & teachers to fi