Reiki energy healing is a holistic approach to health and well being for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Discover the benefits by calling Intuitive Reiki Holistic Center in Bakersfield! Schedule your appointment.


Reiki Class Level 1 & 2 – $299 special (class is normally $495) · 1st
degree: Reiki Level I – Shoden · Level 1- 9 am to 5pm PDT – $150 (normal
price $250) · Learn how to heal yourself and others.


Reiki is all about balance in energies and balance in life. It works on all levels, the physical, spiritual, and emotional levels. Scientific studies reveal that Reiki tends to speed up wound healing time, lowers blood pressure, significantly lowers stress, and lessons pain.


Suzanne is one of the few Reiki VII Practitioners in Australia and provides reiki healing treatments close to Hobart in Battery Point.


Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out? Are you exhausted and burned out?
Reiki can help you feel more relaxed and centered in your life. Reiki is a
passive technique that allows your body to de-stress easily!


By the end of this workshop, you will receive a certification as a Reiki
Level 1 & 2 practitioner, allowing you to practice Reiki on yourself and
others. You will have the confidence and knowledge to bring healing and
balance into your life and the lives of those around you.