Register now for all levels of Usui/Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki, Holy Fire® World Peace Karuna Reiki® and ICRT Animal Reiki taught by Andrea Kennedy. She provides quality comprehensive live online training with limited class size and recordings for your review after class.


The Melanie-Reiki Training School offers a range of courses, workshops and retreats organised by Melanie, Reiki Master/Teacher, Meditation & Spiritual Development Coach.


I help animals and people with the practice of Reiki. I am certified as a Reiki Master, and an Animal Reiki Practitioner. I love animals and I want to help them with the powerful energy of Reiki. I know this works and I have seen it for myself, as have others. I can do Reiki in person, or using long


Holy Fire Reiki is a miraculous way to clear one’s self of negative energy, enabling a person to receive healing energy from Holy Spirit and Jesus. It leads to a sense of calm and peace and continues to expand and unfold. It


What is Reiki? Reiki is a natural healing technique which promotes balance of the body, mind, spirit and emotions, providing stress reduction and relaxation as well as many other healing benefits. Reiki is a Japanese word roughly translating to “Universal Life Force Energy.” Reiki is a form of energy healing (or energy medicine) developed by


What is Reiki? Reiki is a natural healing technique which promotes balance of the body, mind, spirit and emotions, providing stress reduction and relaxation as well as many other healing benefits. Reiki is a Japanese word roughly translating to “Universal Life Force Energy.” Reiki is a form of energy healing (or energy medicine) developed


Joan Patchett, Reiki Master and owner of White Birch Reiki, offers healing sessions at Mystic Wolf Healing Arts in Williamsville, New York.


Reiki Teacher Training can teach anyone to give Reiki healing energy to themselves and others, even animals. The desire to grow in ones Reiki potential is a natural expression of one’s core essence and of life itself.