Reiki is a gently hands on or off relaxation therapy which can complement any medical condition, reduce stress, help sleep difficulties, healing, healing hands


Colorful fantasy art by Primal Painter is infused with positive energy, meaning, and symbolism and features the visual manifestation of Reiki energy in the form of angel and goddess themes, minimalist zen abstracts, otherworldly realms, and sacred geometry.


What is the Let Animals Lead® protocol of Reiki?

This method allows animals to participate as they see fit in a reiki session. It serves as a bridge between humans and other species to benefit all animals, both domesticated and wild, regardless of sensitivity, size and temperment.


Reiki is very often misunderstood by those who have not experienced it and quite often even by those who have been taught it. I would like to start by making it clear that it isn’t something magical or something that is only possible for the very gifted or the few, it doesn’t have to be


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the principle that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress;


Reiki therapy for animals – helps them relax and heal. Reiki is particularly good for anxious animals and rescue pets who may have been traumatised by past experiences in Yorkshire. Currently offering distance Reiki healing with the first session free for your animal friend. Learn more about Reiki here.


Reiki is becoming more widely used in hospitals. Many have it as an integral part of their patient treatment plans. Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, MD Anderson Center in Texas, Memorial Sloan KetteringCancer Center in New York and John Hopkins Integrative Medicine.


What are Reiki Symbols and what are the meanings of Reiki Symbols – this is something a lot of people want to know about. In this article, read about symbols of Reiki and understand their meaning.


Angelic Reiki is a multidimensional energy flow establishing a space of pure angelic love, which is enabling each of us to restore our natural state of balance and realign to a state of perfect health and harmony at all levels.


Chiropractic office offers Reiki with Master practitioners, either as a stand-alone service, or as part of your overall care plan. Schedule a session today.