Reiki is a healing modality that channels the universal life energy into the recipient, rebalancing the energy centers and increasing vitality.
Reiki acts on all levels of our being, physical, mental, emotional. Reiki will find its way to the source of a symptom or condition.


Reiki is composed of two Japanese words Rei, which means “higher power,” and Ki, which means “vital, life-force energy.” It originated w/ a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui in 1922, after he experienced a profound meditation/enlightenment on Mount Karuma. He was awakened with a power to heal and t


Enjoy a Deeper Connection to the Angelic Kingdom of Light The core purpose
of Angelic Reiki is to awaken our connection to our ‘true’ or soul self.
The attunements and healings of Angelic Reiki will deepen your connection
to the Angelic Kingdom of Light and may re-awaken you to your Soul’s
purpose. Your experience of these workshops will be unique to you.


Just like human, animals can have physical, mental, emotional imbalances. If that left untreated, it could manifest illness. Animal reiki session in Frisco area