Harness the power of Hypnotherapy, Havening and Reiki to manage anxiety, stress and defeat addictions like smoking. Improve your quality of life today.



Reiki charged votive candles made with essential oils and positive energy each unique in order to support your needs. Sit in your sacred place. Surround and protect yourself with the magical white light of the universe. Holding the unlit candle, begin to feel the energy held within. Will the magical energy into your be



Have you ever yearned for a connection beyond the physical? A touch of the celestial to ground and uplift you simultaneously? Dive deep into the wisdom of the fixed star Regulus and allow its unique frequencies to illuminate your transformative journey with our MONARCH REIKI™ course! Rooted in the potent energies of th



Reiki is a gentle energy therapy that can help relieve stress and pain, accelerate healing from illness or surgery, and restore health and balance,



This is a group for Reiki practitioners of ALL levels that want to practice and receive Reiki. I started this group because I feel the need for light-workers and Reiki practitioner beginners to get together and deepen their intuitive skills as a mean of continue your Energy Healing education.&n



Amber offers alternative therapies including reiki and reflexology for patients across Inverclyde, operating from Nchantments studio in Gourock.



Reiki is great for anyone looking for relaxation and inner calm. Many
people Elizabeth works with seek Reiki for its therapeutic effects.
Elizabeth is available for Reiki sessions at her residential studio in
North Upland, CA.



While different healing modalities use the same technique, called palm healing, as a form of complementary medicine, their traditions, skills, and ways of utilizing life-force energy for self-healing are distinctly varied, which is why the Pranic Healing vs. Reiki analysis given here serves to elaborate on their differences.



Sarah offers Reiki at her studio in Godalming – a natural & complementary therapy to reduce emotional/physical pain, relax and restore energy
