Just For Today Reiki Principles Coffee Cup Price is for one coffee cup Available in 11 Ounce and 15 Ounce Just for today, I release angry thoughts. It’s normal to feel angry sometimes.  Just for today, I release thoughts of worry.  Just for today, I’m grateful. Just for today, I expand my consciousness.  Just for today



Reiki Healing with Trisha, Trisha uses energy healing to help people heal physically, mentally and spiritually. She is a psychic and a medium. Reiki psychic medium spiritual healer



Wine Country Reiki immerses you in the flow of “Universal Life Force Energy” for healing and deep relaxation – the primal energy of Life!



Perfect for an energy tune up, quick Reiki session, Reiki for children, or anyone short on time these Mini Reiki Sessions provide 30 minutes of Reiki with Sacred Sound. Experience the joy of Reiki anywhere in the world with our live, online distance sessions via Zoom. Treat yourself or someone you love!



Reiki share, also known as Reiki circle or exchange, is a gathering of Reiki believers who participate in group Reiki treatments on each other. The main purpose for the Reiki share is to give and receive Reiki in a casual atmosphere of friendship, honor, positive energy and devotion.



Reiki Gift Certificates available for Reiki Distant Sessions, Animal Reiki Gift Certificates, and gift certificates for Reiki classes available. All classes are Usui/Holy Fire Reiki or ICRT Animal Reiki. We offer Reiki and Reiki with Sacred Sound sessions online to anywhere in the world.



Sometimes it’s fun to mix things up and try something different in your Reiki work. Explore new ways of combining Reiki with tarot cards, pendulums, runes, I Ching, candles, crystals, and essential oils. Get healed without getting bored with these +7 healing methods!



Professional Animal Reiki Distant sessions for all species of animals; in person Equine Reiki within 20 miles. Access Animal Reiki from anywhere in the world! Animal Reiki End of life support available. All sessions utilize ICRT Animal Reiki energy, a unique frequency of Reiki tuned to animals.



Reiki in London. This course is an authentic Japanese Reiki that also includes Holy Fire III Reiki, the most powerful Reiki energy available now. Reiki one and two corresponds much more closely to how Usui the founder, taught Reiki in Japan. You can book / register here.
