Reiki Energy Healing sessions combined with Wendy’s natural Clairvoyance skills cleanse and clear away the stress and unwanted energy you may have attracted.


The Sei He Ki Reiki symbol explained in detail: origins, meaning, how to use it, main benefits include improved memory, getting rid of bad habits, improved relationships, empowers affirmations, dissipates headaches, helps find lost objects, brings harmony.


year 2010 Tumor Release energy addresses the various stages of a tumor . It is an aggressive energy similar to the Cancer Relief energy, but the two areas (tumors, cancer) are and can be very different. prerequisites: Anyone may receive but you must be a Reiki Master to pass attunement. You may also Chelating find Reik


Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today Through Reiki Healing!