Neck liposuction can remove unwanted fat from the neck and under the chin. At Capital Facial Plastic Surgery in the Washington, D.C. area, we use this treatment to eliminate double chins and improve facial profiles. Call to learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Singleton.


Use the EXPAREL ® (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension) Surgeon Selector tool to find surgeons in your area who use EXPAREL. Search by name, location, distance, or specialty to find a surgeon near you!


The Strawberry Laser Lipo delivers groundbreaking body shaping treatments for skin tightening, body contouring & cellulite reduction. Imagine the results of liposuction with a non-surgical, painless inch loss treatment that targets stubborn areas of unwanted body fat.


Liposuction – the removal of fat through mechanical suction – is proven to be very safe and effective in all properly selected patients, for men and women.